Mother's Day now LIVE

Frequently Asked Questions

What material is used to print in-press and out-press (3D effect) stamps?

Our cookie cutters are printed with food safe high grade PLA+ 
Our in-press and out-press (3D effect) stamps are Laser engraved /excruded using premium quality acrylic. 

Please only hand wash using warm soapy water, DO NOT place in the dishwasher.
Store away from direct sunlight.


I want a custom design but I need some inspo?

Get in touch by completing our custom order form and tell us what you have in mind.

We can sketch up a design for you to review first before we proceed to print.

Please keep in mind that we will not replicate designs from other businesses.

Custom designs are hand drawn, Not exclusive and maybe resold at our discretion.



Damaged orders will be replaced at no fee.

Refunds are not available for change of mind.